【10/24〆切】設計コンペに参加しよう! 2024年 09月 02日
< テーマ > 森北2丁目 コンセプトハウス提案
1. 目的
2. 審査方法
役員:社長 専務 常務
営業部:緒方 蜂須賀 林
設計士:島田 八木 北垣内 楠 野本
広報:宮倉 大岩
3. 審査項目
① 分譲地の販売促進になるコンセプトの提案
② 街並みを考えた洗練されたデザイン(外観を重視)
③ ターゲットにとって住み心地が良いか
④ 商品に価格訴求力があるか(売れる価格設定か)
⑤ 野村工務店のモデルハウスとしてふさわしいか
⑥ 時勢を見据えた省エネ、エネルギー対策、地震対策
⑦ ローメンテナンス性能
5. スケジュール
10月24日(木)13:00 〆切
10月25日(金)10:00 審査
4. 選考内容
① コンペ賞:200,000円
② 社長賞:
■ 資料/図面、区画図、地図
■ 敷地: 森北2丁目3-13号地
■ 建物構造: 木造2×4工法優遇(他工法でも可)
■ 必要資料: ・平面図 ・立面図または外観パース
・大まかな仕様 ・コンセプトの解説文 ・販売価格
・基礎面積 ・外壁面積 ・屋根面積
■ 権利関係: 応募作品の著作権は野村工務店に帰属する
■ 提出先: 提案プランをフォンへメール送信
Nomura Corporation 2024 Model House Competition
Nomura Corporation Osaka Prefecture.Japan invites each one of you to participate in our Morikita 2-chome Concept House Competition.
Our company has been in the House building and renovation market in Japan for 50 years.
We have a monthly in-house competition to look for new abstractions new approaches new building idea for Japan`houses.
Would you like to challenge an architecture competition of a family residence ?
Students as well as professionals are equally welcomed.
<Judging items>
(1) Propose a concept that will promote sales of the subdivision
(2) Sophisticated design considering the streetscape (emphasis on the exterior)
(3) Is it a comfortable place for customers`s target?
(4) Whether the product has price appeal (is it priced to sell?)
(5) Is it suitable as a Nomura Corporation model house?
(6) Energy-saving, energy-saving, and earthquake-proof measures that take into account the current situation.
(7) Low maintenance performance
<Judging method>
One-minute presentation, with a separate question-and-answer session.
If you are outside the Nomura, the person in charge will read the presentation commentary text on your behalf. Please prepare your presentation text separately.
<Schedule>(Japan time)
October 24th(Thu.) 1:00 p.m. Deadline for submissions
October 25th(Fri.) 10:00 a.m~ Judging
<Jury members>
Members of Nomura Koumuten Company (16 people)
Executive(3 people): President Senior, Managing Director, Managing Director
Quality(1 people): Kawagishi
Engineering(1 people ): Nagai
Sales Department(3 people): Ogata, Hachisuga, Hayashi
Architect(5 people): Shimada, Yagi, Kitagaito, Kusunoki, Nomoto
IC Section(1 people): Oki
Public Relations(2 people): Miyakura, Oiwa
① Competition Award: 200,000 yen
*At least 7 votes must be received and approved by the judging panel
*If there is no eligible work, the award may be deemed as “not applicable”
② President’s Award
*Only if there is a particularly deserving proposal
Morikita 2-chome No.3-13
<Building Structure>
Wooden 2×4 construction preferred (other construction methods are also acceptable)
Building size and number of floors free
<Required Documents>
・Floor plan ・Elevation plan or exterior perspective ・Rough specifications
・Conceptual description
・Selling price ・Foundation area ・Exterior wall area ・Roof area
(Each area is for reference for price comparison)
<Submission deadline>
Email proposed plan to Mrs.PHUONG October 24th(Thu.), 1:00 p.m. (Japan time)
Mrs.PHUONG phuong@nomura-k.co.jp
Copyrights to all entries belong to Nomura Corporation.
Permission of Nomura Corporation is required for construction and publication of the submitted works.
<Document(Grit, District Plan,Map…>